Activity Checks
Activity Checks are performed which serve to obtain and provide important factual information about the actions of an individual. These checks can be value added for an employer or individual seeking information about someone. It is a verification method at a given point in time. Examples would be an employee claims they are injured or sick. They call in using sick time continuously or they are physically active when they claim they have physical limitations.
Tenant Background Check
This is a service provided by Yorkey Investigation for Landlords and Property Managers. If due diligence is done for lease agreements on potential renters the risk to the landlord will be reduced in terms of checking to see if the potential renter pays on time. This will assist in avoiding future or potential trouble. Yorkey Investigations will only conduct authorized tenant screening.
General Background Investigation
A general background investigation is one that, if successful, allows you to have better understanding as to the credibility and the credentials of either a person or business.
The purpose for this type of investigation has to be for legal reasons and must be based upon a need for that information to allow you to make a decision and have a better understanding of the subject of your inquiry. The term general background is used in the broadest sense and can include an investigation into your spouse, business partner or employee where suspicious activities and concerns have caused you to question their integrity and trust.
Locating Persons and Property
Yorkey Investigations assists in locating people and property. We attempt to locate missing persons, finding long lost relatives, finding someone for issuing a statement of claim and witnesses to name a few. Yorkey assists with locating property assets such as titles to homes, boats or vehicles. We tailor the investigation to meet your needs.