Corporate Investigations

Corporate Investigations

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$400.00 CAD
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$400.00 CAD
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Tenant Background Checks

This is a service provided by Yorkey Investigation for Landlords and Property Managers.  If due diligence is done for lease agreements on potential renters the risk to the landlord will be reduced in terms of checking to see if the potential renter pays on time.  This will assist in avoiding future or potential trouble.  Yorkey Investigations will only conduct  authorized tenant screening.

Pre-Employment Screening

Hiring and developing staff is the most important key to success. Without a pre-employment policy it could potentially interfere with an organizations ability to meet its organizational objectives. Yorkey provides background services for pre-employment screening to include a Commercial Business Report, Criminal Record & Sexual Offender for Vulnerable Persons, Credit Bureau Report, PPSA, Bankruptcy History, Credential Verification, Personal References, Prior Employer, and Court Record Check. We look forward to assisting you with your Human Resources needs both with respect to pre-employment screening and possible WSIB issues that may follow after hiring.

Real Estate Issues

A vendor or realtor can be faced with litigation for non-disclosure and concealment in Ontario. Your legal representative can bring a Motion before the Court to obtain an order under -- Rule 32 – Inspection of Property. This would allow you the right to attend with your expert and investigator. It has been our experience that when a claim of this nature made the onus is on the accused to prove their innocence. The need for a through background investigation to go along with an inspection is paramount for your defence. We look forward to assisting you with your Real Estate investigation needs. Whether you are acting in your defence of such claims or you have been a victim of this type of loss the need for an investigation in preparation for trial is essential.

Employment Issues

Yorkey Investigations provides a service to employers who suspect their employees are stealing from them.  Sometimes it is a rumour, other times it is a shortage in inventory, in other cases an employee quits and steals intellectual property or clients from their previous employer. The employee who was hired and trusted possibly lied on their resume. The following statistics provide some insight into the problem.  9% of all job applicants falsely claim they have a university degree, list false previous employers or identified jobs that did not exist. 34% of all applicant forms contained outright lies about experience and education and the ability to perform essential functions of the job. 11% of job applicants misrepresented why they left a former employer. Catching these types of issues pre or post employment is a key to an employer’s success!

Insurance Support Services

We are a private investigation agency owned and operated by a former adjuster/examiner from the insurance industry. Having twenty three years experience hiring and directing many investigations in the past for claims purposes, our experience maybe of benefit to your insurance company. 

Our Private investigation Agency can provide a service for your claims and risk management departments to learn more about the background of your adversaries in legal matters and to assist in gathering evidence. We can also provide research/inspection reports for your risk management and underwriting departments.

Yorkey Investigations is a private investigation agency with many years of combined experience in a wide range of areas including the preparation of files for trial.  Our agency is proud of our success at completing assignments with favourable outcomes.  No doubt you will find that Yorkey Investigations will provide service at reasonable prices.  The goal at Yorkey is to assist you in clarifying issues and developing the necessary evidence so that you will be ultimately successful in the resolution of your case.